Consequent to the passing of DPDPA 2023 and also the emergence of the BIS standard of Data Governance, Cyber Law College has upgraded its programs and presented a new set of programs available on the LMS platform
Double the Value at half the Price
Naavi is committed to build a Privacy and Data Protection Culture in India. At a time when the Country has adopted a new Data Protection Law namely DPDPA 2023 and there is a mad rush by companies to recruit DPOs in their organization, there is confusion in the professional circles on how they should equip themselves for the new job opportunities that are unfolding.
Many are rushing to acquire CIPP-E or other courses at enormous cost to add a certification that would make them a better candidate in the job interviews.
However, rushing to get more of GDPR knowledge to serve in India is only creating more problems since Indian law is much different from GDPR and the study of CIPP-E may create wrong concepts in the minds of the professionals. They need to unlearn most of the concepts and re-learn the Indian concepts.
Naavi has therefore decided to offer courses which are more valuable than CIPP-E or other programs of similar nature based on GDPR but at much lesser cost.
CDPP-I is one course which is presently available at Rs 15000/- with content covering both DPDPA 2023 and ITA 2000 for the fist time.
CDPODA is a more comprehensive course which covers Indian Data Protection law as well as GDPR and several other global laws and also Data Audit related skills. It is therefore much more valuable than CIPP-E type of courses and priced at Rs 45000/- which is inclusive of benefits of Rs 9000/- (as of today) in the form of membership of FDPPI and Registration in the Indian National Register of Data Protection Professionals in India.
It is therefore a no brainer that the next destination of professionals in search of certification related to Data Protection is FDPPI/Cyber Law College.
Move quickly so that you could be in the early batches of professionals who will pass out.
New Courses will commence from September/October 2023.
Register at or
FDPPI-DNV Certification Program
Cyber Law College which is the training partner of FDPPI (Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India) is launching the next online program for “Certified Data Protection Professional” from June 17, 2023.
The program is being conducted on behalf of FDPPI and DNV-GL who will provide certifications for the participants and those who take an online examination.

The program will consist of 24 hours of online discussion on Saturdays and Sundays from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm as per the following schedule.

The training will be followed by an optional online Examination which will be optional.
All participants will be given “Participation Certificates” in the name of FDPPI and DNV-GL . Those who take the examination and complete it successfully will be provided the Certificate as “Certified Data Protection Professional” and would be featured in the “Register of Data Protection Professionals” created by FDPPI.
The Fee for the program is Rs 35000/- (Inclusive of GST)
Examination fee for Certification is Rs 6000/- (Inclusive of GST)
(If examination is taken along with the training, the total fee would be Rs 40000/- inclusive of GST)
The maintenance of the entry in the “Register of Data Protection Professionals” and complimentary membership (Basic No Voting) of FDPPI would be as per the rules of renewal by FDPPI.
Currently FDPPI is charging Rs 5000 and Rs 9000/- for entry into Level 2and 3 of the Register . Basic membership (Non Voting) is offered for Rs 6000/- (inclusive of GST) Those who go through this program and pass the examination will be eligible for waiver of the fee for Basic membership and registration in this register either at Level 2 or at Level 3 .
The total number of participants in this group may be limited. Hence early registration should help.
Early bird discount:
For registration upto 31st May 2023, Examination fee would be waived.
Kindly register if interested here with payment.
Course on Cyber Law extended to Digital India Act
Cyber Law College has been conducting Cyber Law Course, details of which are available on This is now been extended to the new Digital India Act that has been announced by the Government now. According to the announcement made by the Government, the draft of the new Digital India Act would be available in June 2023 and it will be discussed during this course as an extension.
This course will therefore be updating the professionals right from the day the draft is available.
New Version of Course on Data Protection
With the submission of the new version of the Data Protection Act by the JPC in the Parliament, Cyber Law College is in the process of revising its content on the previous programs on “Certified Data Protection Professional”-Module I, conducted as training partner of FDPPI.
The new program is launched from 17th January 2021 and will be available here.
All persons who underwent paid training earlier on the basis of PDPB 2019, have been invited for one of the two free program on changes to Data Protection Law conducted on 9th January 2021 and 16th January 2021.
The new courses will be built on the new bill-DPA 2021.
Workshop on new PDPB 2019 by Cyber Law College

Cyber Law College has conducted several training programs on PDPB 2019 in the last 2 years. Some of them are under the FDPPI Certificate program and some or programs conducted by Cyber Law College.
For all the paid programs, Cyber Law College had given an assurance that when the new modified version of the Bill is presented in the Parliament, a free bridging program would be conducted.
It is expected that during the first week of December, 2021, the new version of the PDPB 2019 would be presented in the Parliament and copy of the bill would be available.
Keeping up the promise Cyber Law College would be conducting a series of half day workshops in the second half of December to enable all the attendees of paid programs for PDPB 2019 and Module I of the FDPPI’s certified program and the DPO training Program of FDPPI to undergo the training.
The exact date and time would be announced later.
This offer would run upto January 15 2022.
All those who are interested in availing this offer may kindly register themselves by sending an e-mail to indicating the program they have attended.
Be a Certified Data Privacy Auditor…Global Expertise with FDPPI and DNV Certification

Registration now open. Course to commence from October 3, 2021
A Feedback from a participant of the previous program:
What was unique about this training and certification was the depth of coverage. With Naavi Sir being an expert in ITA 2000/08, he was able to bring in the required relevance and he was able to quote on specific cases and how ITA 2000/08 by itself includes data privacy requirements. His references to the HC judgements on matters of Personal Data Protection emphasized the importance. The content and teaching were well rounded and inclusive of surrounding aspects that perhaps one cannot expect in more mundane training programmes. The content presented by Ramesh Sir was very very elaborate on GDPR and all encompassing …. the discussions and points made by Naavi Sir while clarifying our doubts were themselves like a separate training session with valuable insights conveyed which he had gathered over the years …. overall it was a very enriching imparting of knowledge…. K.N.NarasingaRao, (Consultant, ICT at IIMB Bengaluru)
Launching the Certification program for Personal Data Protection Auditors
The much awaited comprehensive Certification Program for DPOs in India from FDPPI is set to commence on June 19, 2021 as per the following tentative schedule.
The program consists of 36 hours of online training covering the Data Protection laws of India in full detail, GDPR in reasonable detail and laws of several other countries.
The sessions would be primarily conducted by Naavi, a veteran who started virtual education way back in the year 2000 through Cyber Law College and is the founder of, as well as Chairman of FDPPI.
The discussion on Indian law will be on the basis of PDPB 2019 and ITA 2000/8. As and when the Bill is passed, a free bridging session will be offered to all the participants to discuss the changes so that the participants would be fully aware of the Indian Law.
The focus of the program will be to equip a Data Protection Officer with relevant knowledge required to take on the responsibility . The participants will get a certificate as
“Certified PDP-CMS Auditor” or “Certified PDP-CMS Consultant” depending on their performance in the examination.
The online examination will consist of 3 papers which will be held on July 31st (Paper 1 and Paper 2) and August 1st 2021. (paper 3)
PDP-CMS audit is an audit for “Personal Data Protection Compliance Management System” which will be mandatory to be implemented by every organization in India handling personal data. Those organizations which are classified as Significant Data Fiduciaries would be required to mandatorily get an audit conducted annually by an external auditor.
The PDP-CMS audit will include Evaluation of “Data Trust Score” (DTS) which is a unique proposition of the Indian Law.
The Evaluation of DTS will be based on a unique system established by FDPPI under the Personal Data Protection Standard of India (PDPSI).
In view of the collaboration between FDPPI and DNV, the globally recognized organization which is known for Management audits, the Certificates would be issued under the joint names of FDPPI-DNV.
The online examination will consist of thee separate online multiple choice examination for 90 minutes each. There will be two cutoff marks for certification. Participants who clear the higher cutoff would be provided the certificate as PDP-CMS Auditor. Participants who clear a lower cutoff would be provided the certificate as PDP-CMS Consultant.
Certified PDP-CMS auditors would be accredited by FDPPI under their PDPSI audit program and will be eligible to conduct audits in association with Certification Bodies who are organizations accredited with FDPPI. PDP-CMS consultants would be able to provide consultancy to organizations to prepare themselves for audit and also upgrade themselves to the auditor grade based on experience.
The total fees for the program would be Rs 40,000/- (Or approximately US$ 575/-)
The application can be completed here
Registrations are set to close on June 10, 2021.
P.S: It may be noted that the Minister of Law and IT, honourable Mr Ravi Shankar Prasad in an interview on 28th May 2021 with Times now has indicated that the Government will push the passage of PDPB 2019 in the next Parliamentary session. Excerpts from this interview is available here.
It is likely that the Government would provide some time for implementation and will require around 3 months to set up the Data Protection Authority. However it appears that Jurisprudence has already developed in India to consider the principles of Personal Data Protection discussed in the PDPB 2019 as “Due Diligence” under ITA 2000/8. (Refer court judgements referred to in this article) .
Professionals are also aware that implementation of a comprehensive privacy program for an organization is not as simple as drafting a Privacy Policy for the website. It involves establishment of a Privacy culture in the organization which requires time. Hence prudent professionals and organizations need to start early to retain a competitive advantage.
FDPPI hopes that professionals would take advantage of this opportunity.
For more information contact
New Certificate Program-Certified Global Privacy and Data Protection Professional
Cyber Law College as a division of Ujvala Consultants Private Limited will launch a comprehensive Certification program covering Data Protection Laws of India, Data Protection Laws of the world (GDPR, CCPA, Singapore PDPA, Dubai DIFC DPL, Brazil LGPD) and Data Audit skills including Data Trust Score mechanism under PDPSI. (Personal Data Protection Standard of India)..
The Certification is being provided under the FDPPI-DNV co-branded services.
The program details are as follows:
Session | Duration | Topic |
1-4 | 12 hours | PDPA |
5-6 | 6 hours | GDPR |
7-10 | 9 hours | HIPAA, DIFC DPL,Singapore PDPA, CCPA,Brazil LGPD |
11-14 | 9 hours | Principles of Audit, Planning and managing an Audit,Data Audit under PDPA |
The 36 hour online program will be conducted at week ends on Saturdays and Sundays for 3 hours on each day starting from 10.00 am. The tentative date of starting would be 19th June 2021.
The total fee for the course would be Rs 40,000/-. Members of FDPPI and Sponsored Auditors of DNV will get appropriate discounts. Those who have already completed the certification of any of the modules Module I, G or A will be given corresponding discounts.
The discounted registrations will close by May 31st 2021 and all registrations will close by 10th June 2021.
For further clarifications, kindly contact Naavi over e-mail.
Payment can be made using the following link.
Cyber Law College launches Training on Data Protection Audit
Cyber Law College has earlier launched two programs related to building legal awareness on Data Protection Laws connected with the “Certified Data Protection Professional ” (CDPP) course. These were part of the larger 5 Module course to build 360 degree skilled Data Protection Professionals in India. The remaining three modules were one on Technology, Audit and Behavioural skills.
The training for Module-I covered Indian Data Protection laws and training on Module G covered the global data protection laws.
Now Cyber Law College is launching the course on the Audit Module, namely Module-A.
During this program scheduled as a 12 hour online program, the Art and Science of Data Audit would be discussed. Since this is the first such program which is being conducted and introduces many new concepts including Valuation of Data in a Balance Sheet, Distributed Responsibility for implementation, etc., there is a possibility that the program may be extended beyond 12 hours if required.
The discussions will cover the conceptual difference between an “Assessment” and “Audit”, different types of audits that one encounters in the Data Protection profession , the objectives of each of these audits, the modalities of how a practitioner may conduct such audits etc.
The Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), Harm Audit, Data Breach Audit and Data Protection compliance audits will be discussed separately.
The Data Trust Score (DTS) Assessment which is a part of the Indian data protection regulation will also be discussed in detail.
The Data Protection Compliance audit will be explored in detail using the PDPSI (Personal Data Protection Standard of India) framework .
PDPSI is a framework for implementation and is also a Certifiable Standard of compliance. PDPSI is also a DTS assessment framework during the Audit process.
Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India (FDPPI) is sponsoring the Data Protection Compliance audit under the PDPSI framework and this training is considered part of the accreditation of PDPSI Consultants and PDPSI Auditors who can provide consultancy to organizations on designing and implementation of Data Protection compliance programs as also to conduct Audits of such programs.
Consultation for implementation and Audit of the implementation will be undertaken by two different individuals. While this Data Audit training may be considered mandatory for the Audit, implementation may be guided by the consultants. Organizations are open to implement the guidelines on their own and directly approach an auditor for Certification or take the assistance of consultants before approaching the auditors.
FDPPI may have additional criteria for accrediting auditors under their approved audit process for certification.
This Module-A training would be followed by an “Online Examination” and “Submission of Assignments”. 50% of the marks would be allocated for each of these two evaluation segments.
There will be three grades namely A, B And C.
Grade A: represents ready for Audit
Grade B: represents ready for Consultancy
Grade C: represents requirement of improvement
One Improvement re-examination will be permitted for upgradation of Grade C to Grade B.
According to the present scheme for accreditation of PDPSI Auditors,
FDPPI may accredit their members who pass out of this training with Grade A and have also passed out of the Module I and Module G program, as “Provisionally Accredited PDPSI Auditors”.
They may be upgraded into fully “Accredited PDPSI Auditors” after they complete the two other modules of the larger training program which includes the modules on Technology and Behavioural Skills.
FDPPI may also upgrade Persons who pass out of the program in Grade B “Provisionally Accredited PDPSI Auditors” based on their consultancy experience.
For registration for the program and kindly proceed to CDPP-Module-Audit “
The Date and time Schedule for the program is yet to be finalized. tentatively the course should commence towards the end of January 2021 after the registrations close on 18th January 2021.
P.S: Though the training program is driven by the needs of the emerging Indian data protection law, the concepts discussed are universal and will apply even for compliance of GDPR and other Data Protection laws.